Streamline Your Development with Our Monitoring and Analytics Services
In today’s dynamic digital environment, remote monitoring is essential for measuring the stability, performance, and usage of devices and their software. This year, we’ve enhanced our Monitoring and Analytics offerings to include support for third-party software integrated into deployments that utilize our products or services.
This advancement is particularly significant for projects involving media playback. We now support the use of ExoPlayer on Android TV products. While ExoPlayer doesn’t offer complete end-to-end monitoring out of the box, we’ve added this functionality to provide comprehensive insights into playback quality. This enhancement ensures a seamless viewing experience for your users and enables proactive issue resolution.
Drawing on years of experience with our customers—and independent of the specific software solution being monitored and analyzed—we offer services focused on two key phases:
- Accelerating Development and Integration: Streamline your project’s development cycle with our expert monitoring services.
- Ensuring Continuous Product Quality: Maintain the highest quality standards throughout your product’s lifecycle.
For more details on how our Monitoring and Analytics services can benefit your projects, please visit our Monitoring and Analytics services page.