Our Advanced Teletext Solution for OTT

In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern media, the enduring popularity of Teletext among German TV viewers may seem surprising. Yet, for many connected devices and platforms, Teletext remains essential. The challenge is integrating this decades-old technology into modern OTT environments.

This is where our Teletext Solution for smart devices comes into play. Designed to meet the growing demand for reliable Teletext services on OTT platforms like Android TV or RDK, our solution overcomes the limitations of traditional transmission methods.

Already deployed by leading providers such as Telekom Deutschland (MagentaTV), Exaring AG (waipu.tv) and Quickline, our Teletext solution is flexible and customisable. Whether you need an independent app that operates separately from other system components, or seamless integration into your existing application, we can deliver the perfect solution to elevate your OTT platform.

For more details, explore our Teletext product page and discover how our Teletext solution can benefit your platform.