Android 9 Pie on Broadcom SoC
The first Android 9 Pie for Android TV approved builds are now available and we already ported our Inaris DVB/IPTV Middleware Stack to the Broadcom 7271 reference platform. Also, our TV reference application LiveOn TV is now working on Android 9 Pie.
Following the motto: “Content First” Google constantly improves the launcher and brings even more details to the home screen.
This includes preview video playback directly on the launcher and displaying even more metadata.
Also, the Google Assistant is constantly improved and finds its way into more services, including the linear TV experience. Our LiveOn TV application already supports video preview on the launcher of selected TV channels. Support for Google Assistant for searching and playback control via voice will be added in the next step.
More and more features of a classic DVB/IPTV middleware are now supported by Android TV especially in the area of media playback. For example with Android 9 Pie CA Systems can now be integrated using the new MediaCAS API. We will follow these new possibilities and adapt our Inaris DVB/IPTV Middleware accordingly.