Found by Chance – Historical Teletext Pages

At the end of a year, people often tend to look back on good old times. This is what ARD has now done in a very special way and recovered a TV treasure in the process. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that ARD Text will be showing historical Teletext pages from the years 1987 to 1999 in the social networks in December, thus making exciting retrospectives of another time of great upheaval available.
For Teletext fans, there are some treasures to be discovered, such as pages from ARD/ZDF-Text, HR-Text, ORB/MDR-Text as well as test runs of GDR television. For us at TARA, due to our more than 30 years of experience in that field, this is once again an opportunity to look back at our own history that connects us to Teletext. It is outstanding how many fast-moving developments have come and gone while Teletext is still in demand. Considering today’s information availability, Teletext is at the beginning of years of progressive development, leading up to Teletext availability on current smart devices. We are therefore proud to accompany this piece of TV cult with our technical background since 1990 and we are happy about the many historical insights. For those interested in our journey with Teletext, we recommend our essay about the 40th anniversary of Teletext as well as our Teletext news page.